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  • [Offener Brief] Beschwerde

    Hallo zusammen,

    nachdem ich schon seit ?ber 4 Jahren spiele und es immer weniger Spa? macht aufgrund der fehlenden Updates und des schlechten Support, habe ich an R2Games einen Beschwerdebrief geschrieben.

    Ich glaube immer noch auf das Gute im Menschen und erhoffe mir dementsprechend eine R?ckmeldung.
    Anbei der Brief, den ihr - insofern ihr kein englisch k?nnt - ins Deutsche ?bersetzen m?sst.

    To whom it may concern,

    I wish to express my dissatifaction with the current status and service of your game "Drachenkrieger" (english Dragon Pals).

    For over 4 years now I'm playing the game "Drachenkrieger" and and also invested real money into the game, in order exchange the real money into your ingame currency gold for which I could get items from the shop. I was also in belive that the money spend from all the players will also be used so the game will be kept alive and further developed. Unfortunately the last update for the game was in March 2017, which is over 1 year in the past.

    In terms of service, there is so much more room to improve. The timeframe in which a user receives a reply to his ticket easily exceeds 2 weeks (usually as user you should not wait more the 2 days), while the answer often is not helpful like "Please provide more screenshots". As per the experience of the players of the game there is only 1 employee responsible for the service of this game - as well as other games. Therefore it seems this employee is not able to handle the amount of tickets and needs support, so the service will be improved.

    Please let me know as soon as possible what action you propose to take and I look forward to your immediate response.

    Yours sincerely,
    <Vorname> <Nachname>
    Drachenkrieger - Kompletthilfe:
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  • #2
    ja stimme dir zu ^^ spiele zwar schon seit ein paar Jahren nichtmehr aber w?rde gerne wieder starten aber ohne neuen server/updated habe ich eher weniger interesse

